jas RAulT

Jas Rault sitting in front of her bike in a park, with green grass and leafy trees; Jas is white with messy short brown hair, a black v-neck t-shirt showing abstract black ink tattoos on arms

Jas Rault (they/them) is an Assistant Professor of Media Studies in the Department of Arts, Culture, Media (UTSC) and the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto.


Rault’s research focuses on trans- feminist and queer digital praxes and protocols; media histories of settler coloniality, white supremacy and sexuality; aesthetics and affects of social movements. Recent publications include "Window Walls and Other Tricks of Transparency: Digital, Colonial and Architectural Modernity” (American Quarterly); "White Noise, White Affects: Filtering the Sameness of Queer Suffering” (Feminist Media Studies); "Ridiculizing Power: Relajo and the Affects of Queer Activism in Mexico” (Scholar & Feminist Online). Rault’s first book is Eileen Gray and the Design of Sapphic Modernity: Staying In (Ashgate/Routledge) and they're currently working on a book, provisionally entitled Open Secrets: Technologies of Whiteness in Decline, about the ambient media of white cruelty -- the sound, architecture and interface designs that try so hard to make the violences of settler colonial whiteness feel like comfort, justice and good taste.

They are also a co-director of the Critical Digital Methods Institute and a co-author of the Feminist Data Manifest-No.

Rault frequently collaborates with TL Cowan. Together they are writing Heavy Processing for Digital Materials (under contract with Punctum Press, expected 2022). They are co-directors of the Digital Research Ethics Collaboratory (DREC) and co-editors of “Metaphors as Meaning and Method in Technoculture,” a special section of Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience. Their other co-authored essays include “Onlining Queer Acts: Digital Research Ethics and Caring for Risky Archives” in Women & Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory (2018) as well as essays in ephemera: theory & politics in organization and Women’s Studies Quarterly.