This video intervention was inspired by a manifiesto the artist Elyla created for an introduction to the online CABARET TRANSFRONTERIZO, broadcast internationally on June 27, 2020 via the Facebook page of the artivist group Managuafuriosa.

In the words of Elyla:

“Este cabaret es un acto de resistencia para crear redes entre cuerpxs sexo disidentes, un ejercicio de tejer juntxs para luego soltar un hilo transfronterizo en nuestros territorios. Es un encuentro virtual que centra la cuerpa y el travestismo subversivo contra el régimen heterosexual. Nuestro objetivo es desestabilizar las ansias de volver a la "normalidad", viralizarnos contra nuestros estados nacionalistas y dejar claro que nuestras cuerpas jamás serán gobernadas. Es un grito de furia y alegría colectiva porque todavía estamos vivas y nos quieren muertas. Conjuramos la fuerza ancestral en reconocernos diferentes y parte de todxs, únicas en nuestros devenires cuirs/trans/travestis/tortilleras/nobinaries/lesbianas/huecos/chochones/playos/dragqueens... todes mudando pieles entre coronas y virus, cuerpas con miles de rostros que se ríen ante la normalidad.”

“This cabaret is an act of resistance to create networks between sexual dissident bodies, an exercise in weaving together and then loosening a cross-border thread in our territories. It is a virtual encounter that centers the body and the subversive transvestism against the heterosexual regime. Our goal is to destabilize the desire to return to "normality", go viral against our nationalist states and make it clear that our bodies will never be governed. It is a cry of collective fury and joy because we are still alive and they want us dead. We conjure up the ancestral force in recognizing ourselves as different and as part of everyone, unique in our becoming cuirs / trans / transvestites / tortilleras / non-binaries / lesbians / huecos / chochones / playos / drag queens ... all changing skins between crowns and viruses, bodies with thousands of faces that laugh at normality.”